Behind the Scenes

Not a performer? Or you just like working behind the scenes? We've got lots of opportunities for you to get involved. Interested? Add your name to one or more of our databases, and we'll contact you when we have open positions.

Behind the scenes opportunities:

Stage Manager - the most important position on a show, below the director. Stage managers assist with a show from auditions and are the last ones out after the final performance. They take notes during rehearsal, keep actors on task, directors on schedule, and they run the show when performances begin. We recommend being an assistant stage manager once or twice before diving into this position.

Assistant Stage Manager - report to the Stage Manager, assist as needed.

Set Designers - Design sets. Some experience required.

Set Construction - Help build sets. Experience with power tools a plus. In some cases we simply just need additional hands to get things in place.

Scenic Painters / Painting Assistants - Paint sets. This may range from complicated backdrop scenery and texturing to simply rolling on a flat color.

Costumer/Costume Designers - Design costumes. Most shows do not require making costumes. In these cases the costumer is charged with taking measurements and sizes, pulling together costumes for each character, keeping them organized, and maintaining them through the course of the production.

Prop Master / Prop Designer - This position may depend on how complicated or special the props are for a specific show. In most cases a props master is in charge of finding, purchasing, or borrowing props and keeping them organized and in good repair. A Props Designer is in charge of actually making and building specialty props.

Lighting Designer - experience required. Designs the lighting for the show.

Electricians - some experience required, training usually available if you'd like to learn. Electricians help hang lights for each show, adjusting them and focusing them according to the Designer and Master Electrician's directions.

Sound Designer / Sound Engineers - some experience required. Design the sound effects for a show and/or are in charge of setting up microphones, speakers, etc.

Board Ops - no experience required. These folks get to see the show every night. Their job involves running the lights and sound boards for the production.

Spot Ops - no experience required. Point the spotlight at the right people on the stage. And you sometimes get to wear a cool headset!

Stage Crew - no experience required. Help move scenery, set props, work fly system, and various other backstage tasks. You'll need some black clothes and some comfortable black shoes.

Sign Up to get involved!

Stage Managers

We are always on the lookout for new stage managers. Whether you have experience or are interested in being an assistant and learning the ropes, add your name to our stage manager database to be contacted about future opportunities.


Let us know if you are an experienced or budding designer and add your name and resume to our designer database.


Crew — be they carpenters, electricians, painting assistants, stage hands, or board ops — are what make shows happen. Prior experience is a bonus, but not necessary. Sign up to add your name to our crew database.

Musical Production Staff

With the growing number of musicals being produced here in town every year, we are always on the lookout for new music directors, choreographers and accompanists.


Do you play an instrument? Would you like to be considered when we're hiring orchestra members? Please add your name to our database